Antonio David

Musings From My Journey With Ruby

Easy Rails Datavisualization - GoogleMaps JavaScript API (Part 2 of 3)

Welcome to Part 2 of 3 in my series Easy Rails Datavisualization. In Part 1, we created the Rails API endpoint (coordinates#index) which, when called, delivers our coordinates data as JSON.

Easy Rails Datavisualization - GoogleMaps JavaScript API (Part 1 of 3)

Numbers and words aren’t always enough to sate a user’s appetite. This is where data-visualization comes in. Let’s use Rails and the GoogleMaps JavaScript API to serve up some mapped-out data for visual consumption.

PuckerUp - My Homebrewed SPA Built With AngularJS and a Rails API

Three's Company - Working with Heroku, Paperclip and Amazon S3 to Save Images

If a picture is worth a thousand words, let’s make sure your Heroku-deployed app can actually save and load images using our three friends: Heroku, Paperclip and Amazon S3!

10 Steps to Heroku - Rails Edition

Hi there! Let’s get your Rails application up and running on Heroku in 10 steps!